Tuesday, December 19, 2006


2 funny stories for you:

It's Christmas break for us, so I got to sleep in yesterday. I went Christmas shopping, played with my nephew, and then I went to my parents' house to wrap the presents. I stayed for dinner and then, as we often do, we played games.

We played Deal or No Deal and then Catch Phrase. I'm assuming most of you are familiar with the game (it's kind of like Taboo). Well, my mom was giving the clues and this particular clue was, "The first word is a letter that comes after H." I proceeded to say, "J". My dad starting cracking up and said, "yes, you are a teacher." The funniest part was that I was right...the first word of the answer was "J". We lost it at that point and couldn't finish that round. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. We think too much alike.

Later on, still playing Catch Phrase, my dog came to the table and started pestering my mom by licking her and playfully biting her toes. She said, " Do you want a T-R-E-A-T?" Karino went nuts barking and jumping. Then she ran into the laundry room where my parents keep a box of milkbones for her.

What does it mean when my dog spells better than me? =)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's Been a Long Time

The days have been going so fast I keep forgetting about this blog. A co-worker of mine (not naming names) scolded me for not updating it.=)

It's semester final exams here at Harding...it's about time for 2.5 weeks with no students! I love my 7th graders, but they can challenge my patience just a little bit.=)

Thanksgiving was fun. It was the first holiday that no one had to travel across the country to be together. Of course we had all the fixin's, but my family doesn't eat sweets. Just kidding; half the food we eat is desserts. The rest of Thanksgiving weekend was spent painting the nursery for my niece who will be born in February.

I have been thinking a lot about Honduras lately. Wondering if I left for the right reasons. If I am really where I am supposed to be. I keep looking at pictures of all I was a part of. I helped build 9 houses for people that didn't have one, a children's home where 6 kids now have a home with parents, I helped with countless VBS's, and the list goes on.

Now I spend my time trying to earn enough to pay the bills, gas, and food (without putting too much on the credit card). And my work is to teach kids what a vertebrate is. Sometimes I just want to say, "Who cares!" There are hundreds of children that don't even get to go to a Honduran school and now get a warm meal because of a food kitchen that got started last year. That's what is important.

I am not able to go back anytime soon due to finances (the plane tickets are around $750). So, I decided that I am going to make fleece blankets for the children in the 2 main communities I worked in. If you can come up with a fun name to call this ministry let me know.

P.S. If someone can explain to me how to put your blogs in my link section I'd appreciate it.