Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Kids amaze me!

At Harding Academy we have chapel every Monday and then, on occasion, we have a small group chapel on Wednesday to follow-up on the topic and discuss what was talked about.

So, today we had a small group chapel to discuss the faith that Noah had. I was getting the answer they thought I wanted to hear, so I asked this group of nine 8th grade girls what they were planning on doing for someone else this Christmas and one girl said, "Buying presents." I replied, "Oh, for who?" And she said, for her family. I said, "I meant for someone other than your family...for someone less fortunate." And a few seconds went by when they just looked at each other.

I asked if they'd want to do something as a group and their faces lit up and ideas were streaming out of their mouths. Within 2 minutes we had planned to donate a dollar and take dinner to a woman from Kansas City whose 9-month old son has a brain tumor at St. Jude, and can't leave. Then, they want to make Christmas cards for kids at St. Jude. And lastly, they are going to donate a toy to give to a toy drive that one of the radio stations is hosting, then we're going to go deliver them one day next week. That's just what we narrowed down to.

This generation of kids is so willing to help with the problems of the world if we give them opportunities to help. The biggest reason that they don't get involved more is that they don't know how and where to get involved. My heart was lifted after that 15-minute session and I know that they'll remember this for future years and how easy it can be to help...that it doesn't have to be anything big. But, what they do and give IS big to someone who receives it.


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