Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hurricane Felix

Please pray for the people in Honduras. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch destroyed so many homes and businesses, not due to the high winds, but due to the rainfall and mudslides. They have never fully recovered.

Honduras does not have anywhere for the water to go (like sewers), so it rushes down the mountainsides and through the city. Most of the people in Honduras live in homes that we would not use as a shed, which means they don't have a foundation and many homes have the ground as a floor. When the rains from Hurricane Felix come through those people's homes will be washed down the side of the mountain or will have a river rushing through their house.

The community I worshipped in when I lived there is called Mololoa and is one of the poorest communities in the city of Tegucigalpa. Hurricane Mitch wiped out many homes and killed many people in Mololoa and they are all very worried about what will happen with Felix.

Pray for their safety and the safety of the missionaries (the Kluges, Casa de Esperanza, and the Tindalls). And pray that there could be minimal damage.


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